LiSiLoG ?

Laboratory Interpreter / Scenography Instrumental,

LoG : logbook, transmission led by the founders.

LiSiLoG is an association which is based on more than 20 years of artistic and technological collaboration between Jean Geoffroy (percussionist, professor of the CNSMD of Lyon) and Christophe Lebreton (designer and producer in musical data processing). Years marked by numerous concerts around the world, collaborations with multiple composers and National Centers of Musical Creation, including Grame in Lyon. They enabled them to imagine, create and develop new interfaces and question themselves about the place of the performer in a constantly changing technological and artistic environment.


Artistic innovation
Crossroads of artistic and scientific practices. Development of the instrumental scenography. Enhancement of transdisciplinary writing.

Awareness of innovative scenic forms. Territorial and human anchoring.
Access to artistic practice with a wide audience.
Imagine new editing methods associated with these new directories.

Training seminars on new technologies and violin making.
Scientific conferences: dialogue between exact sciences and human sciences.

Creation and development of original works with artists / performers.
Question on the composer-performer relationship.
Production of concerts and shows.
Production of exhibitions, interactive installations.

The associated team

Treasurer : Marie Pierre FAIVRE


Jean Geoffroy

Educational development
& Transmission


Vera Geslin

LiSiLoG President 
Musicologist & Product manager 


Christophe Lebreton, alias Zakahamida

Interactive sound scenography
Musical and visual IT R&D