Light Wall System

the body as instrument

Playing sounds in the light as one could paint on a canvas with his hands …

LiSiLoGChristophe Lebreton, interactive device design – Jean Geoffroy, artistic & educational development

Since 2004, the date of the creation of Thierry de Mey,‘s Light Music piece, based on the movement of the performer in a wall of light, produced by Grame (National Center for Musical Research of Lyon), Charlerois Danse (Brussels) and the GMEM (Marseille), Christophe Lebreton interface designer and Jean Geoffroy creator of the piece, have continued to develop the interface.

From the point of view of the conception (computer lutherie) or from the point of view of the interpretation, this work has allowed Light Music to become a reference piece.

In 2010 a film directed by Thierry de Mey ends these years of research, proposing a final version of Light Music.

It is from these years of work and research that was born the Light Wall System, produced by Christophe Lebreton and Jean Geoffroy in collaboration with Grame.

New interface allowing a scenographic composition, crossing different artistic expressions with the movement: visual arts, sound design, music, dance … multidisciplinary creation platform based on the potentialities of the gesture, which makes it a tool of creation and an educational tool scalable.

With the Light Wall System, it is possible to create new scenic situations in which the performer, musician, choreographer, dancer, actor, artist designer or circus artist finds himself in the middle of different and evolutionary spaces, thus creating the stage as an instrument, allowing him to develop a new relationship to sound and space. The main idea is to create new situations seeking to define new artistic concepts, and a new relationship to the stage.

A flexible interface that evolves throughout the creation process, it allows among other things to integrate its own sounds, to record live, to work on recorded sounds, work on the acoustic / electronic balance, proposing an experimental and exploratory dimension that makes this tool a unique sound and scenic research tool.

This interface aims to put back at the center of our approach, not a dynamic of pedagogical creation but a pedagogy of creation, so as to ensure that young children and students, through this tool can find themselves without pre-required knowledges, with only their ears and the innate relationship between the movement of the body and the sound, and by extension, their relationship to space and stage, a sensitive border between gestures producing sound and choreographic gestures. It will be about manipulating the sound in time and space.

It is also a question of providing a tool adapted to the teachers and pedagogues (of the general or specialized education) which will be able to create, with or without the accompaniment of external actors, situations based on the different approaches of the gesture and the sound incarnated on stage.

The use of the Light Wall System device must be, at first, intuitive, innate and linked to the pleasure of discovery … It’s all about playing, in the true sense of the word, by the gestures of the arms, hands, body, in connection with our perception of light and sound that induce these movements.

Far from distracting students from conventional instruments, the Light Wall System, allows them to find them differently, from sound and a renewed listening.

Since 2017 in the educational framework, many workshops and residences have been organized around the Light Wall System, in France (Strasbourg – Toulouse – Nice – Lyon – Paris – Ghends – Freiburg – Chambéry ….) but also abroad (Shanghai – Taipei – Buenos Aires…) allowing a work of appropriation, of interpretation, then of writing for the gesture and its transmission, residences proposed to the students musicians, dancers, actors, composers, choreographers, stage directors, visual artists, designers.

At the same time creative shows are planned for 2020, especially with the company Leonore Leal (Seville), but also the young ballet (Lyon) or Créama (Seoul)

“… relearn simple actions, relearn their strength, but also and especially their fragility. Gestures of the hands, of the body, in a line, a curve, everything is said. “

Jean Geoffroy – Christophe Lebreton


An illuminated space with narrow beams of light made by cut-out projectors, allows to define an air of play whose variations of light are captured by a camera and then analyzed to manage interactions with various sound and visual treatments.

The “Light Wall System” technology is a camera-by-camera recording and analysis of motion. A simple webcam and appropriate lighting allows you to play with light to interact with various devices, sound and/or visual.

LiSiLoG develops the necessary software and adapts it to each project. An educational version is shared at the Workshops and can be specifically trained.


  • LWSvideo is the video analysis software. It is currently only OSX compatible (10.12 or later). The control of this software and the reception of data from movement analyzes is done via OSC (Open Sound Control). This application is designed to work with LWSplayer but can be used with your own developments.
  • “LWSvideo” and “LWSplayer” software are free. In the absence of documentation, it is preferable to have attended a training session to use it correctly.
    To obtain this software, please contact:

The musician must be here and now. This is probably the point at which we need to rethink our approach as a teacher. Go to the sound, and from improvisations tame it through the innate movements of the body. Re-learn to listen to both the sound emitted but also the space and time in which it is played. Space of the stage that itself becomes an instrument, the moment of the concert that pushes us to surpass ourselves.

Transmission through listening is, at first, at the heart of our approach, and then comes the time of transmission through writing; be able to “gommer”, to take the same idea to develop it, to take it further and us with, to ultimately make sure that others can appropriate it in turn.

Endless loop that that of transmission where we find ourselves in turn taught and teacher.


Public :

Any audience interested in the stage and its appropriation:

Primary and secondary school students / Students of the Schools of Music and Dance, Conservatories, CRR, CRD, CNSM / Students of arts schools, Choreographic Centre, Choreographers, Plasticians, Scenographers…

Objectives :

– Discover digital capture and writing processes for gesture

– Rethink the place of the performer, and his relationship to gesture, sound, movement, space, dynamics, silence and stillness

– Appropriate the stage as a new playing space, playing light as one plays an instrument, incarnation of sound through gesture

– Re-work on notions of musical forms, from the initial sound material by transforming it

– Recover a form of musical and sound intuition, instinctive, innate

– Re-discovering “instrument” yourself

– Write and be able to transmit the pieces created during the workshop.

Content :

– Appropriation and use of LWS

– Writing and setting up a restitution (depending on the framework)

– Taking charge and training in the LWS software (according to the chosen formula)

Speakers : Jean Geoffroy and/or Christophe Lebreton according to the selected project.

For more information, please contact :


Projects Archives 

  • Workshop initiation and training in instrumental scenography;
  • creation of a small form by group or individually

Jean Geoffroy

04-2021_ National regional conservatory - Noisiel - FR

As part of the Noisiel Festival

  • April 10th, 2021: Restitution
  • April 7th to 9th, 2021: Workshop
  • Sep 30th, 2020: LWS presentation workshop

Jean Geoffroy

03-2021_ Percussion of Treffort
  • March 19th: LWS initiation

Jean Geoffroy

03-2021_ Royaumont - FR
  • March 1st to 4th: Workshop initiation and training in instrumental scenography

Jean Geoffroy

02-2021_ National regional conservatory - Boulogne Billancourt - FR
  • February 8th to 14th: LWS Workshop with Conservatory students

==> canceled & reported

Jean Geoffroy

12-2020_ International Musicology Competition - Moscow

Conference on December 12th:

  • Moscow National Tchaikovsky Conservatory
  • Union of Russian Composers
  • Music Academy Scientific Review
  • Communication for the conference of the First International Musicology International Musicology Competition “Music Academy”; edition of an article in the scientific journal

Vera Geslin

10-2020_ Hanyang University - Seoul - reported

October 21st:

  • Presentation and appropriation of LWS
  • preparation of the fall 2021 creations

Jean Geoffroy

09-2020_ NRC Noisiel - FR

September 30th:

Presentation and appropriation of LWS

Jean Geoffroy

04-2020_ Presentation workshop LWS / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / CRR de Lyon higher education

Three days of residency with students from the higher curriculum of the LYON CRR (performers dancers composers) around the LWS and its development possibilities. At the end of these three days a public “All on stage”

03-2020_ Creation Remedy of Fortune / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Théâtre Astrée-CNSMD de Lyon

Creation of Fortune Remedy written and performed by Aline Bieth

Show around the work Remedy of Fortune by Guillaume de Machaud

Aline Bieth – solo flute / Light Wall System-Jean Geoffroy

02-2020_ Workshop #2 / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Espinho (portugal)

Writing and directing a show with the LWS / Espinho Academy of Music in partnership with dance and composition dpt

01-2020_ Workshop LWS Odyssud / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Blagnac Toulouse Conservatory

Three days of workshops followed by a “All on Stage” around an original program proposed by the students of the Blagnac Conservatory

12-2019_ #2 Design Residency / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Leonore Leal-Seville Company

Writing of the next show of the dance company Leonore Leal:

Prohibits el cante, LWS and set design Jean Geoffroy

11-2019_ Workshop / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / CIRM de Nice

Presentation and workshops around the LWS as part of the conferences and workshops offered by the CIRM (National Centre for Music Research) Christophe Lebreton – Jean Geoffroy

11-2019_ Workshop #1 / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Espinho (portugal)

First meeting around the LWS for the setting up of a show at the Espinho Music Academy in February 2020.

Working with students in percussion, dance and composition class

11-2019_ Ed Campion / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / CNMAT Berkeley

In addition to a creative residency (a percussion and electronic piece by Ed Campion that will be premiered at the Grame Biennale in March 2020) Jean Geoffroy will lead a workshop around the LWS followed by a lecture around the performer’s place in front of the news Technologies.

06-2019_ Jay Festival / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / /Resta Percussion

Participation in the festival organized by Emmanuel Jay (Resta Jay Percussion)

Workshops discovered around the LWS led by Jean Geoffroy, in front of an audience of student teachers, and directors of educational institutions.

05-2019_ Festival the Manufacturers at the Renaissance Theatre in Oullins / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy CNSMD lyon

The Renaissance Theatre of Oulins and the CNSMD in Lyon renew their partnership dedicated to the students of the 3rd cycle Artist Diploma and the genesis of musical theatre creations.

This partnership perfectly illustrates the AD curriculum that offers students wishing to practice a musical activity dedicated to live performance to benefit from the programming of a theatre.

As such, students will be able to understand all the problems of managing a professional structure, in artistic, economic, technical and human terms and appreciate the missions and the role of everyone including that of the public!

Human Data

In a situation set in the future, the viewer enters the heart of a scenario, caught witnessing a confrontation between sounds, actions and images; interacting with one another. Who dominates who? Who controls what? Can objects created by humans develop a soul and a consciousness of their own? D
esigned by Carlos Puga, Human-datA takes an artistic look at one of the main issues of our time and invites the public to cross the barrier of a new dimension to discover the machine that each carries in itself.


Carlos Puga, design and artistic direction Je
an Geoffroy, François Roux, artistic follow-up

04-2019_ Festival Why Note Dijon / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Dijon Higher School of Music

New technologies and interpretation

Started in December 2018 with a first day of meetings, supervised by Jean Geoffroy, the students of the ESM in Dijon offer pieces with the LWS and the SHC (Embedded studies by Vincent Carinola)

Concert at the Why Note festival in Dijon at the Atheneum

On the program:

Six student creations (4 around the LWS and 2 with the new SHC applications) Squash by Bertrand Dubedout, Virtual Rizhomes by Vincent Carinola, Toucher by Vincent Carinola performed by Jean Geoffroy

03-2019_ #1 Design Residence / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Leonore Leal-Seville Company

Leonore Leal’s new show – lWS Jean Geoffroy music and set design

Based on the book by Juan de Loxa Juegos Reunidos, the company Leonore leal stages the history of flamenco dance during the era of censorship during the Francist period.

Show to be created during the 2020-2021 season

03-2019_ "The Watching Teacher" / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / Nice Higher Pole

Meeting with students in pedagogy curriculum of the Higher Pole of Nice – Jean Geoffroy

Three days in the form of questions / teacher’s place? / place of the establishment? / places new technology in the transmission dynamics ?…

This will include questioning the teacher-student-student relationship around the notion of writing appropriation and transmission within the framework of the LWS

Followed by a “All on Stage”

At the end of the residency, a restitution will be proposed by the students on March 13, artistic proposals instruments – LWS.

03-2019_ Festival at Shadok / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / HEAR Strasbourg

Four days of residency, in the continuity of the Week Out of Limits and the festival La Nuit de l’Aubette (November 2018) the students of the Rhine High School of Arts propose at the end of this residency a restitution of their own pieces reread and Developed.

02-2019_ Artist Diploma Residency at the CNSMD lyon / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy

Human Data project by and with Caros Puga studying in the AD curriculum of the CNSMD in Lyon, artistic director Jean Geoffroy

Is it man who dominates technology or technology that dominates man?

In a theatre transformed into a machine, the spectator enters the interior, caught witnessing a confrontation made of sounds, images and percussion, one interacting on the other.

The Human-data performance offers the viewer a unique experience. Designed by Carlos Puga, it is inspired by the 9 Evenings: Theater and Engineering series and takes an artistic look at one of the major issues of our time.

During this residency supervised by Jean Geoffroy, Carlos Puga, surrounded by Jean-Basile Sosa (composer) and Tristan Curco (dance) will define the sign language and musical vocabulary of the beginning of the show in which the LWS holds a central place

02-2019_ PERCU’OSE / LiSiLoG Lebreton-Geoffroy / CRD de Toulouse

Meetings and creations around the Light Wall System / Jean Geoffroy with percussion classes, and the dance dpt of the Conservatory in Regional Radiation of Toulouse as part of the perCU’OSE
festival Four days dedicated to experimentation and appropriation LWS, for a concert in St Pierre des Cuisines and in partnership with the CNSMD class in Lyon